MapInfo Pro is extremely flexible and can be easily integrated with your current IT systems. It is also extremely user-friendly so you don’t need to be an IT expert to use it.
The standard version of MapInfo Pro uses a 64-bit architecture, the user interface is modern and easy to learn. This version contains most commonly used functionality, such as access to a variety of data and map formats, creating thematic maps, SQL queries, editing functions, regions redistricting, exporting maps and data, table structure management etc. This version contains also a number pre-installed add-on tools such as MapCAD, Distance Calculator, Spider Graph and many more. This is the most commonly used version of the application.
MapInfo Pro™ Advanced builds on MapInfo Pro™ introducing a highly performant raster grid analysis solution, featuring an innovative grid data format called Multi-Resolution Raster (MRR). It enables the super-fast processing, visualization and analysis of high resolution grid and image data; providing a step change in performance and usability even when working at a continental or global scale.
More informationMapInfo Viewer is a free application that allows users to work with workspaces that have been created in the full version of MapInfo Pro. Free registration of the user account is required to use the application. MapInfo Viewer (since version 17.0.2) is based on the same code as the full version of MapInfo Pro, so the user interface is the same. Map compositions can be viewed, users can save maps to PDF/images, Layer Control allows to switch on/off the layers etc.
More informationMapInfo Pro is Precisely's key desktop product for spatial analysis. Dozens of programmers have been involved in its development for more than 30 years. Through its suggestions and comments, a number of partners and hundreds of thousands of program users around the world are also involved in the development process.
The result is a wide range of functionality, especially in the field of analysis, editing, access to source data and also in creating professional output.
OS Windows 7: Procesor Intel Pentium 1,8Ghz, 4GB RAM, 2GB disc space.
OS Windows 8: Procesor Intel Core 2 duo, AMD Athlon X2 nebo lepší, 8GB RAM, 25GB disc space.
OS Windows 10: Procesor Intel Core 2 duo, AMD Athlon X2 nebo lepší, 8GB RAM, 25GB disc space.
OS Windows 2012/2019 Server: Procesor 3.1 GHz nebo rychlejší vícejádrový, 8GB RAM, 50GB disc space.
Knowledge Community connects everyone with specialists across Pitney Bowes organization to encourage the exchange of ideas, information and to ask product-related questions.
Knowledge CommunityUseful add-on applications for MapInfo Pro that you can download and install for your license.
ToolsProduct data sheet of the MapInfo Pro software.
PDF 802 kB
Product data sheet of the MapInfo Pro software.
PDF 802 kB
Information datasheet about version MapInfo Pro v2019.
PDF 605 kB
Information datasheet about version MapInfo Pro v2019.
PDF 605 kB
Transition from 32-bit to 64-bit version of MapInfo Pro.
PDF 440 kB
Transition from 32-bit to 64-bit version of MapInfo Pro.
PDF 440 kB
Case study from company Bank of America.
PDF 803 kB
Case study from company Bank of America.
PDF 803 kB
Case study from company Peugeot.
PDF 825 kB
Case study from company Peugeot.
PDF 825 kB
Case Study from company Time Warner Cable.
PDF 670 kB
Case Study from company Time Warner Cable.
PDF 670 kB